
Hibakusha Peace Project-
Faces of the Faceless
Faces of Resistance
Dinner at St. Paul's

Love, Etty

Julia Ward Howe


Hibakusha  Project

Press & Media-
Love Never Dies

A Family of Artists


About  Jane

 of the 60th Anniversary 
of the Bombing of Hiroshima
Read Jane's Words

Death and Resurrection

Read Jane's
delivered to
9-11 Families
for Peaceful Tomorrows

on their 'Stonewalk'
from Boston to New York during the last
presidential elections



Click for Info on This Global Humanitarian

Woman Playing Koto Fuki Takata

Woman Playing Koto
Fuki Takata
A Bomb Survivors' Nursing Home 
 Hiroshima Japan


The Hibakusha Peace Project logo

The Hibakusha Peace Project is an opportunity to reflect on the memory of Hiroshima with the hope of transformation. It is a series 
of collage portraits of A-Bomb survivors by  Jane Smith Bernhardt, accompanied by their stories and poems. 

  Click Links to Performance Clips

   Hibakusha Introduction

   Dream of the Survivors
 These are large files and take a moment to load.

Jane with Hiroshima survivor and her portrait In August of 2003,  Jane  spent two weeks in Hiroshima, interviewing survivors and capturing their likenesses on paper.

Opening events feature live multimedia performances including slides, stories and featuring music by Greta Bro / Peter Meyer and dance by Minori Ishikawa.   
The experience offers an invitation for meditation and messages to be returned to the survivors ... to be ceremonially released into one of the rivers of Hiroshima, that were clogged with bodies many years ago.

Jane with Tadatoshi Akiba Mayor, Hiroshima Japan
Jane with Tadatoshi Akiba
Mayor, City of Hiroshima


Hiromu Morishita 
Hiromu Morishita 

A poem by
Hiromu Morishita 
Hiroshima A Bomb Survivor
Executive Director of
The World Friendship Center

The First Aid Station-Fragment in original Japanese

Click to read a
News article about the
Hibakusha Peace Project written by reporter J.C. Lockwood 
Merrimack River Current, February 20, 2004


The woman, fearing a
shock might come
upon me due to my
changed features,
would not let me
have a mirror.

Unable to go through
the streets too hot
from embers
after blazing, 
I crossed over an
feeling uneasiness at
every cross-tie

Following advice on
how to reach the
first-aid station,
which, in reality,
is a bank-building,
I just caught sight of
numberless corpses
behind the pillars.

Bewildered to stand
in front of my
I found nothing
reminding me of the
house which I left
only this morning.

Auntie is said to have
died vomiting a black
sort of foam,
after just a few days.
She had come to see
me of my suffering
from a burn.

In desperation of
self-scorn and
I have been doing
nothing but to wait for
the nearing death,
watching the burning
of the corpses on the
river beach almost

Jane with Japanese A-bomb survivors of  Hiroshima  and Nagasaki
during a 
Hibakusha Peace Project
exhibit at 
a disarmament rally in
 New York City
April 30, 2004

Japanese A-bomb survivors of  Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Shizuko Okimoto
Shizuko Okimoto

Fumiko Sora
Fumiko Sora

Toshie Suetomo

These photos are from an exhibit of giclee reproductions of the portraits
and stories of the Hibakusha Peace Project Exhibit in
Hiroshima's International House on August 7, 2010.

The event was a memorial program to commemorate
the 65th anniversary of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima City,
which also featured the premiere of
David Rothauser's film: Hibakusha, Our Life to Live.

Now a permanent copy of the exhibit resides at the
World Friendship Center in Hiroshima, along with translated messages
from Americans who have viewed the portraits and stories
and responded with their heartfelt wishes and prayers.

Photo of Hiromu Morishita standing
beside his portrait.

Jane (center)
Lecture / Presentation ~ Dec 1, 2006
Muslim University
Ahigarh India

For  information on exhibits, prints and performances, 
or to become a Sponsor of
Hibakusha Peace Project
please contact:
 Jane Smith Bernhardt at 
(603) 793-9789
 or e-mail Jane
 Donations in any amount are gratefully accepted to help with the
 Hibakusha Peace Project production costs.

Read some comments from ~
The Hibakusha Peace Project Guest Book:

"Great rendering in your art - the stories of those affected are very sad."
"Thank you for having the courage to create beauty out of such horror."
"You have touched me deeply - thank you."
"awakening to our own sin."
"beauty in agony"
"never again"
"puts everything in perspective - the work is overwhelming."
"exquisite art reminding us of diplomacy. Reminding us of the tortures of war."
"gut wrenching"
"It's amazing to observe the affects of weapons of mass destruction as seen in the artwork."
"history beyond imagination"
"So sad that it had to happen. So thankful that because of it - we had thousands of Americans come home - my husband was one of them."
"I was in Tokyo two weeks after the bombing"
"moved me to tears"
"Thank you for bringing this to all of us. We will try to share your message."
"Thank you for bringing/sharing. We all have to say in unison - NEVER AGAIN!!"
"Thank you for the gift of showing my children how to set their conviction to work."
"Powerful - Faces for the ages and generations to come"
"Both beautiful and terrifying, but grace abounds"  (You....  I like this one!)
"Amazing - thank you - moving. We must stop war and nuclear weapons!!"
"Lord have mercy upon us. Thank you for this exhibit."

Jane teaches and lectures on a variety of topics including spiritual guidance,
portraiture, resistance and social transformation. Contact Jane for details. 

Copyright Jane Smith Bernhardt 2014    Design by MaryLeeMattison